Monday, May 6, 2013


Rain is one of the beautiful nature creations in the world. I love when it rains hard, specially i like to be in a rain forest at a resort watching draining rain drops. I like to be surrounded by a lot of greeny trees while it rains so hard. It gives me a pleasure as nothing could match.

I still could remember the trip that I went on to Sinharaja Rain Forest with my bunch of buddies. That was an awesome moment in my life. Though it was a hard journey plus a tough climb still the sensation was pretty high with the atmosphere around. We spent a night there at a cottage in the jungle, specially the next day morning was so tempting with the misty rain and the revere which was by the side to the cottage.

As human we have a responsibility to not to destroy the nature which would unbalance the globe. Cutting down the green and going against the nature will certainly affect out generations in future. Lets protect our world and save it for the future... :)

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